Buyer network

Buyer network

We build a network of independent professionals around us.
Interested? Look below for the conditions and sign up!

Do you want to be part of our network?

Are you a driven, independent purchasing professional and are you interested in fun and challenging procurement assignments? Then we request you to register yourself

Your e-mail, in addition to a short motivation in which you demonstrate that you meet the minimum requirements below, must be added to an extensive CV. After assessing your motivation and resume, we plan an extensive introductory meeting to get to know each other (even) better.

Minimum requirements that we require to participate in our buyer network are:
  1. You have at least successfully completed an HBO education;
  2. You have followed a thorough purchasing training (NEVI, ISFAH etc.);
  3. You have at least 5 years of practical work experience in procurement and / or tendering.
  4. You are a professional who continuously develops through, among other things, training, training and seminars.
  5. You have at least 3 references that show that you are a real professional.
Pre's are:
  1. You have demonstrable experience with the successful execution of European tenders.
  2. You are in possession of NEVI 1 and 2.
  3. You have experience with purchasing professionalisation within housing corporations.
  4. You have experience with Best Value and are in possession of training certificates (at least B +, A or A +).
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